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Things Police See: Firsthand Accounts

Former Massachusetts police officer Steve Gould interviews a variety of law enforcement officers about their most intense moments on the job. Shocking moments, humorous moments and terrifying moments are recalled by the officers that experienced them. Meet the variety of personalities that make up the police and get to know them on a personal level. You couldn’t make these stories up if you tried.

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Dec 21, 2022

In this episode Steve chats with Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz about the history of policing.  They delve into why the media labels police as racist and then attempt to claim that policing was racist from its inception.  Rev. Dr. Koontz goes deep on the history of policing dispelling the myths pushed by the corporate media.  To hear more of Rev. Dr. Koontz check out the two podcasts linked below.

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Hear more very based commentary from Rev. Dr. Koontz

Brief History of Power Hosted By Rev. Jonathan Fisk

A Word Fitly Spoken

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