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Things Police See: Firsthand Accounts

Former Massachusetts police officer Steve Gould interviews a variety of law enforcement officers about their most intense moments on the job. Shocking moments, humorous moments and terrifying moments are recalled by the officers that experienced them. Meet the variety of personalities that make up the police and get to know them on a personal level. You couldn’t make these stories up if you tried.

**New Episodes Every Monday 

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Mar 29, 2023

In this episode Washington copper Eric Tung shares some insane stories from the Evergreen State! From his K9 being stabbed to a gunfight with explosions to dealing with an elderly couple with demetia having a domsetic disturbance.

Follow Eric on Instagram @bluegritwellness  

Eric's Podcast

Mar 22, 2023

Sean Thompson workd for a major US city police department as a patrol officer.  During his tour he saw some crazy and traumatic things that impacted him in a way that he could have never imagined.  These events caused him to suffer from PTSD turning his world upside down.  Sean shares his story of recovery and...

Mar 20, 2023

Steve and Ken bring the latest news in the law enforcement world along with some other notable and strange stories. 

Check out the Police Applicant Podcast!

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Mar 15, 2023

Gary Edgington worked major narcotics cases, organized crime, unsolved homicides, and internal affairs while he was an LEO in California. He ended his career as the commander of the CA DOJ Counter Terrorism Task Force and then deployed overseas working counter-terrorism and organized crime. Gary is also the author of...

Mar 8, 2023

In this episode Steve sits down with his friend and former boss, JJ Williams. JJ retired as a Sergeant for the Maywood Police Department before moving over to the LAPD Backgrounds Unit. JJ has had some crazy calls to include tracking down the men that gunned down his partner.


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